Molecular ecology

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Using morphometrics, in situ observations and genetic characters to distinguish among commercially valuable Hawaiian black coral species; a redescr... | article
Wagner D, Brugler MR, Opresko DM, France SC, Montgomery AD, Toonen RJ (2010)
Invertebr Syst 24:271-290

Photoacclimatization by the coral Montastraea cavernosa in the mesophotic zone: light, food, and genetics | article
Lesser MP, Slattery M, Stat M, Ojimi M, Gates RD, Grottoli A (2010)
Ecology 91:990-1003

Deep zooxanthellate corals at the high latitude Bermuda Seamount | article
Venn AA, Weber FK, Loram JE, Jones RJ (2009)
Coral Reefs 28:135 - 135

Generalist dinoflagellate endosymbionts and host genotype diversity detected from mesophotic (67-100 m depths) coral Leptoseris | article
Chan YL, Pochon X, Fisher MA, Wagner D, Concepcion GT, Kahng SE, Toonen RJ, Gates RD (2009)
BMC Ecol

From Offshore to Onshore: Multiple Origins of Shallow-Water Corals from Deep-Sea Ancestors | article
Lindner A, Cairns SD, Cunningham CW (2008)
PLoS ONE 3:e2429

Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) from deep coral reefs in the tropical western Pacific | article
Pyle RL, Earle JL, Greene BD (2008)
Zootaxa 1671:3-31

Variation in symbiont distribution between closely related coral species over large depth ranges | article
Frade PR, De Jongh F, Vermeulen F, van Bleijswijk J, Bak RPM (2008)
Mol Ecol 17:691-703

In situ photobiology of corals over large depth ranges: A multivariate analysis on the roles of environment, host, and algal symbiont | article
Frade PR, Bongaerts P, Winkelhagen AJS, Tonk L, Bak RPM (2008)
Limnol Oceanogr 53:2711-2723

Ecological and genetic evidence of the vulnerability of shallow‐water populations of the stylasterid hydrocoral Errina novaezelandiae in New Zealan... | article
Miller KJ, Mundy CN, Chadderton WL (2004)
Aquat Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst 14:75-94

Adult habitat preferences, larval dispersal, and the comparative phylogeography of three Atlantic surgeonfishes (Teleostei: Acanthuridae) | article
Rocha LA, Bass AL, Robertson DR, Bowen BW (2002)
Mol Ecol 11:243-252

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