Scleractinia (Hard Corals)

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Landscape video mosaic from a mesophotic coral reef | article
Gleason ACR, Gracias N, Lirman D, Gintert BE, Smith TB, Dick MC, Reid RP (2010)
Coral Reefs 29:253

Photogrammetric quantitative study of habitat and benthic communities of deep Cantabrian Sea hard grounds | article
Sánchez F, Serrano A, Ballesteros MG. (2009)
Continental Shelf Research 29:1174-1188

Deep zooxanthellate corals at the high latitude Bermuda Seamount | article
Venn AA, Weber FK, Loram JE, Jones RJ (2009)
Coral Reefs 28:135 - 135

Neritic carbonate for six submerged coral reefs from northern Australia: Implications for Holocene global carbon dioxide | article
Heap AD, Harris PT, Fountain L (2009)
Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 283:77-90

Changes in morphology and diet of the coral Stylophora pistillata along a depth gradient | article
Einbinder S, Mass T, Brokovich E, Dubinsky Z, Erez J, Tchernov D (2009)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 381:167-174

Carbon and nitrogen utilization in two species of Red Sea corals along a depth gradient: Insights from stable isotope analysis of total organic mat... | article
Alamaru A, Loya Y, Brokovich E, Yam R, Shemesh A (2009)
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 73:5333-5342

Generalist dinoflagellate endosymbionts and host genotype diversity detected from mesophotic (67-100 m depths) coral Leptoseris | article
Chan YL, Pochon X, Fisher MA, Wagner D, Concepcion GT, Kahng SE, Toonen RJ, Gates RD (2009)
BMC Ecol

Reef Morphology and Invertebrate Distribution at Continental Shelf Edge Reefs in the South Atlantic Bight | article
Fraser SB, Sedberry GR (2008)
Southeas Nat 7:191-206
From Offshore to Onshore: Multiple Origins of Shallow-Water Corals from Deep-Sea Ancestors | article
Lindner A, Cairns SD, Cunningham CW (2008)
PLoS ONE 3:e2429

The deeper we go the less we know | article
Menza C, Kendall M, Hile S (2008)
Rev Biol Trop 56:11-24

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