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Trophic plasticity of mixotrophic corals under contrasting environments | article
Sturaro N, Hsieh YE, Chen Q, Wang PL, Denis V (2021)
Funct Ecol 35:2841-2855

Strong horizontal and vertical connectivity in the coral Pocillopora verrucosa from Ludao, Taiwan, a small oceanic island | article
De Palmas S, Soto D, Ho M-J, Denis V, Chen CA (2021)
PLoS ONE 16:e0258181

A molecular census of early-life stage scleractinian corals in shallow and mesophotic zones | article
Soto D, De Palmas S, Ho M-J, Denis V, Chen CA (2021)
Ecol Evol 11:14573–14584

Scleractinian diversity in the upper mesophotic zone of Ludao (Taiwan): a museum collection with new records from Taiwanese waters | article
De Palmas S, Denis V, Soto D, Lin YV, Ho M-J, Chen CA (2021)
Marine Biodiversity

Populations of a widespread hexacoral have trophic plasticity and flexible syntrophic interactions across the Indo-Pacific Ocean | article
Santos MEA, Baker DM, Conti-Jerpe IE, Reimer JD (2021)
Coral Reefs 40:543–558

Fishing pressure occurs down to the lower mesophotic coral ecosystem in Lyudao, Taiwan | article
Ho M-J, Kuo C-Y, Wu H-Y, Jeng M-S, Shyue S-W, Chen CA (2020)
Galaxea, J Coral Reef Stud 22:29-30

Acknowledging differences: number, characteristics, and distribution of marine benthic communities along Taiwan coast | article
Lin YV, Denis V (2019)
Ecosphere 10:e02803

Molecular assessment of Pocillopora verrucosa (Scleractinia; Pocilloporidae) distribution along a depth gradient in Ludao, Taiwan | article
De Palmas S, Soto D, Denis V, Ho M-J, Chen CA (2018)

Spatial variation in the morphological traits of Pocillopora verrucosa along a depth gradient in Taiwan | article
Soto D, De Palmas S, Ho MJ, Denis V, Chen CA (2018)

A new association between goblet worms (Entoprocta) and xeniid corals (Cnidaria) | article
Denis V, Lin YTV, Ho MJ (2017)
Marine Biodiversity 49:487-493

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