Republic of Maldives

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Biogeochemical niches and trophic plasticity of shallow and mesophotic corals recovering from mass bleaching | article
Radice VZ,  Fry B,  Brown KT,  Dove S,  Hoegh-Guldberg O (2022)
Limnol Oceanogr 67:1617-1630

Biogeochemical variability and trophic status of reef water column following a coral bleaching event | article
Radice VZ, Fry B, Dove SG, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2021)
Coral Reefs 40:1-7

Influence of Local Pressures on Maldivian Coral Reef Resilience Following Repeated Bleaching Events, and Recovery Perspectives | article
Montefalcone M , Morri C, Bianchi CN (2020)
Front Mar Sci

A Mesophotic Hotel: The Octocoral Bebryce cf grandicalyx as a Host | article
Maggioni D, Montano S, Voigt O, Seveso D, Galli P (2020)
Ecology 101:1-4

Upwelling as the major source of nitrogen for shallow and deep reef‐building corals across an oceanic atoll system | article
Radice V, Hoegh‐Guldberg O, Fry B, Fox MD, Dove SG (2019)
Funct Ecol

Species identity and depth predict bleaching severity in reef-building corals: shall the deep inherit the reef? | article
Muir PR, Marshall PA, Abdulla A, Aguirre JD (2017)
Proc R Soc B

Reef-building corals—symbiotic autotrophic organisms: 2. Pathways and mechanisms of adaptation to light | article
Titlyanov EA, Titlyanova TV (2002)
Russ J Mar Biol 28:S31

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