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Mesophotic coral buildups in a prodelta setting (Late Eocene, southern Pyrenees, Spain): a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system | article
Morsilli M, Bosellini FR, Pomar L, Hallock P, Aurell M, Papazzoni CA (2012)
Sedimentology 59:766-794

From Offshore to Onshore: Multiple Origins of Shallow-Water Corals from Deep-Sea Ancestors | article
Lindner A, Cairns SD, Cunningham CW (2008)
PLoS ONE 3:e2429

Coral reef growth on the shelf margin of the Great Barrier Reef with special reference to the Pompey Complex | article
Hopley D (2006)
Journal of Coastal Research 22:150-158

Patterns of distribution and processes of speciation in Brazilian reef fishes | article
Rocha LA (2003)
Biogeography 30:1161-1171

Reef-building corals—symbiotic autotrophic organisms: 2. Pathways and mechanisms of adaptation to light | article
Titlyanov EA, Titlyanova TV (2002)
Russ J Mar Biol 28:S31

The stable level of coral primary production in a wide light range | article
Titlyanov EA (1991)
Hydrobiologia 216:383-387

Strontium and uranium concentrations in aragonite precipitated by some modern corals | article
Thompson G, Livingston HD (1970)
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 8:439-442

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