Abstract: After the declaration of the Colombian Marine Protected Area-MPA Deep Coral Natural National Park (PNNCP) in 2013, it became evident the need to develop a management plan for this MPA in the Colombian Caribbean. One of the interesting features of this MPA is that the main structural species belong to the coral complex Madracis sp (Pocilloporidae: Cnidarian) in the area: M. auretenra, M. myriaster and M. brueggemanni. This group brings a special habitat to many species of fishes and marine invertebrates in mesophotic and deep reefs within the PNNCP. However, there is little information about this ecosystem, distribution, genetic diversity and connectivity in Colombia and the Caribbean. Here we present the main results from the development of new molecular markers (microsatellites) for some Madracis species, following methods previously developed at The University of Manchester for the deep coral Lophelia pertusa. DNA extractions were carried out at the Colombian Institute of Marine and Costal Research – INVEMAR, using samples from the Cnidarian reference collection at the Marine Natural History Museum of Colombia-MHNMC (INVEMAR), collected from Tayrona Natural National Park and PNNCP. DNA extractions were also developed at The University of Manchester from Madracis corals maintained in aquariums. The new markers will allow us further ecological analysis to increase the knowledge of these Caribbean coral formations and will help us to determinate the vulnerability and resilience of these habitats to natural and anthropogenic effects this new Natural National Park.

Authors: Ballesteros Contreras DC, Barrios L, Aguirre J, Fernández A, Cedeño C, Chasqui L, Alonso D, Preziosi R

Presentation: Poster (#337)

Session: 29

Date: 06/21/16

Time: 18:15 – 19:45

Location: Poster/Exhibit Hall
