Agaricia grahamae

Agaricia grahamae

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Coral reef crisis in deep and shallow reefs: 30 years of constancy and change in reefs of Curacao and Bonaire | article
Bak RPM, Nieuwland G, Meesters EH (2005)
Coral Reefs 24:475-479
1 occurrence(s)
The deepest, zooxanthellate scleractinian corals in the world? | article
Kahng SE, Maragos JE (2006)
Coral Reefs 25:254
1 occurrence(s)
The distribution of algae, corals, and gorgonians in relation to depth, light attenuation, water movement and grazing pressure in the fringing reef... | article
Van den Hoek C, Breeman AM, Bak RPM, Van Buurt G (1978)
Aquat Bot 5:1-46
1 occurrence(s)
Population Structure of Montastraea cavernosa on Shallow versus Mesophotic Reefs in Bermuda | article
Goodbody-Gringley G, Marchini C, Chequer AD, Goffredo S (2015)
PLoS ONE 10:e0142427
1 occurrence(s)
Characterization of benthic habitats and associated reef communities at Bajo de Sico Seamount, Mona Passage, Puerto Rico | report
Garcia-Sais JR, Castro R, Sabater-Clavell J, Carlo M, Esteves R (2007)

1 occurrence(s)
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