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Reproductive output, synchrony across depth and influence of source depth in the development of early life stages of kelp | article Giraldo-Ospina A, Kendrick GA, Hovey RK (2021) J Phycol 57:311-323
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Age frequency, growth, mortality, and PAH levels of roughtongue bass (Pronotogrammus martinicensis) following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill | article Biermann LK, Szedlmayer ST (2021) Mar Pollut Bull 166:112214
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Plasticity of Porites astreoides early life history stages suggests mesophotic coral ecosystems act as refugia in Bermuda | article Goodbody-Gringley G, Scucchia F, Ju R, Chequer A, Einbinder S, Martinez S, Nativ H, Mass T (2021) Front Mar Sci 8:702672
Deep Heat: A Comparison of Water Temperature, Anemone Bleaching, Anemonefish Density and Reproduction between Shallow and Mesophotic Reefs | article Haguenauer A, Zuberer F, Siu G, Cortese D, Beldade R, Mills SC (2021) Fishes 6:37