USA - Gulf of Mexico

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A statistical approach to assessing relief on mesophotic banks: Bank comparisons and geographic patterns | article
Sammarco PW, Horn L, Taylor G, Beltz D, Nuttall MF, Hickerson EL, Schmahl G (2016)
Environ Geol 23:95-122

Geology and biology of the “Sticky Grounds”, shelf-margin carbonate mounds, and mesophotic ecosystem in the eastern Gulf of Mexico | article
Locker SD, Reed JK, Farrington S, Harter S, Hine AC, Dunn S (2016)
Cont Shelf Res 125:71-87

Patterns of mesophotic benthic community structure on banks at vs. inside the continental shelf edge, Gulf of Mexico | article
Sammarco P, Nuttall M, Beltz D, Hickerson E, Schmahl G (2016)
Gulf Mex Sci 33:77-92

Decline in condition of gorgonian octocorals on mesophotic reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico: before and after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill | article
Etnoyer PJ, Wickes LN, Silva M, Dubick JD, Balthis L, Salgado E, MacDonald IR (2016)
Coral Reefs 35:77-90

The perfect storm: match-mismatch of bio-physical events drives larval reef fish connectivity between Pulley Ridge mesophotic reef and the Florida ... | article
Vaza AC, Parisa CB, Olascoaga MJ, Kourafalou VH, Kanga H, Reed JK (2016)
Cont Shelf Res 125:136-146

Coral injuries observed at Mesophotic Reefs after the Deepwater Horizon oil discharge | article
Silva M, Etnoyer PJ, MacDonald IR (2016)
Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 129:96-107

An analysis of artificial reef fish community structure along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico shelf: potential impacts of “Rigs-to-Reefs” programs | article
Ajemian MJ, Wetz JJ, Shipley-Lozano B, Shively JD, Stunz GW (2015)
PLoS ONE 10:e0126354

Temporal and spatial dynamics of the lionfish invasion in the eastern Gulf of Mexico: perspectives from a broadscale trawl survey | article
Switzer TS, Tremain DM, Keenan SF, Stafford CJ, Parks SL, McMichael Jr RH (2015)
Mar Coast Fish 7:1-8

Rapid assessment of fish communities on submerged oil and gas platform reefs using remotely operated vehicles | article
Ajemian MJ, Wetz JJ, Shipley-Lozano B, Stunz GW (2015)
Fish Res 167:143-155

Crustaceans from antipatharians on banks of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico | article
Wicksten MK, Nuttall MF, Hickerson EL (2014)

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