Joe Turner

Joe Turner

University of Western Australia

Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre University of Western Australia M097, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA, 6009

Research interests

My PhD forms a part of the deep reefs element of the Ningaloo Outlook Project ( My work revolves around utilising remote sensing methods including AUV and acoustic technology, to identify the spatial distributions of the mesophotic biota across the Ningaloo Marine Park, Western Australia.

Major interests: - Habitat Mapping - Species Distribution Modelling - Coral Recruitment


  Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs are indexed.

Deep thinking: a systematic review of mesophotic coral ecosystems | review
Turner JA, Babcock RC, Hovey R, Kendrick GA (2017)
ICES J Mar Sci 74:2309–2320

Depth-related patterns in coral recruitment across a shallow to mesophotic gradient | article
Turner JA, Thomson DP, Cresswell AK, Trapon M, Babcock RC (2018)
Coral Reefs

AUV-based classification of benthic communities of the Ningaloo shelf and mesophotic areas | article
Turner JA, Babcock RC, Hovey R, Kendrick GA (2018)
Coral Reefs 37:763–778

Key questions for research and conservation of mesophotic coral ecosystems and temperate mesophotic ecosystems | chapter
Turner JA, Andradi-Brown DA, Gori A, Bongaerts P, Burdett HL, Ferrier-Pagès C, Voolstra CR, Weinstein DK, Bridge TCL, Costantini F, Gress E, Laverick J, Loya Y, Goodbody-Gringley G, Rossi S, Taylor ML, Viladrich N, Voss JD, Williams J, Woodall LC, Eyal G (2019)
in: Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems () by Loya Y, Puglise KA, Bridge TCL a repository for scientific information on mesophotic ecosystems | article
Bongaerts P, Perez-Rosales G, Radice VZ, Eyal G, Gori A, Gress E, Hammerman NM, Hernandez-Agreda A, Laverick J, Muir P, Pinheiro H, Pyle RL, Rocha L, Turner JA, Booker R (2019)
Database (Oxford)

Research keywords
Research platform experience
  Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)
  Sonar / Multibeam
  Drop / Towed Video
Research summary (from publications)