Suzanne Fredericq

Suzanne Fredericq


  Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs are indexed.

Macroalgae | chapter
Spalding HL, Amado-Filho GM, Bahia RG, Ballantine DL, Fredericq S, Leichter JJ, Nelson WA, Slattery M, Tsuda RT (2019)
in: Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems () by Loya Y, Puglise KA, Bridge TCL
DNA sequencing of type material and newly collected specimens reveals two heterotypic synonyms for Harveylithon munitum (Metagoniolithoideae, Coral... | article
Richards JL, Schmidt WE, Fredericq S, Sauvage T, Peña V, Le Gall L, Mateo‐Cid LE, Mendoza‐González AC, Hughey JR, Gabrielson PW (2021)
J Phycol 57:1234–1253

Research keywords
Research summary (from publications)