Valerio Micaroni

Valerio Micaroni


  Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs are indexed.

Vulnerability of Temperate Mesophotic Ecosystems (TMEs) to environmental impacts: Rapid ecosystem changes at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve, Ireland | article
Micaroni V, McAllen R, Turner J, Strano F, Morrow C, Picton B, Harman L, Bell JJ (2021)
Science of The Total Environment 789:147708

Marine heat waves drive bleaching and necrosis of temperate sponges | article
Bell JJ, Smith RO, Micaroni V, Strano F, Balemi CA, Caiger PE, Miller KI, Spyksma AJ, Shears NT (2023)
Curr Biol 33:158-63

Research keywords
Research summary (from publications)