
[188 results] • Download as CSV

Changes in the microbial community associated with the large benthic foraminifera Cycloclypeus carpenteri, along a depth gradient | article
Versteegen E, Macher JN, Rowley SJ, Renema W (2024)
Journal of Foraminiferal Research 54:65-74
Does depth divide? Variable genetic connectivity patterns among shallow and mesophotic Montastraea cavernosa coral populations across the Gulf of M... | article
Sturm AB, Eckert RJ, Carreiro AM, Klein AM, Studivan MS, Dodge Farelli D, Simões N, González‐Díaz P, González Méndez J, Voss JD (2023)
Ecol Evol 13:e10622

Plumbing the depths with environmental DNA (eDNA): Metabarcoding reveals biodiversity zonation at 45–60 m on mesophotic coral reefs | article
Hoban ML, Bunce M, Bowen BW (2023)
Mol Ecol 32:5590-5608

Environmental DNA highlights fish biodiversity in mesophotic ecosystems | article
Muff M, Jaquier M, Marques V, Ballesta L, Deter J, Bockel T, Hocdé R, Juhel JB, Boulanger E, Guellati N, Fernández AP (2023)
Environ DNA 5:56-72

Styles and rates of mesophotic reef accretion on a Caribbean insular slope | article
Sherman CE, Carlo M, Tuohy E, Adey WH (2023)
Coral Reefs

Plastic pollution on the world’s coral reefs | article
Pinheiro HT, MacDonald C, Santos RG, Ali R, Bobat A, Cresswell BJ, Francini-Filho R, Freitas R, Galbraith GF, Musembi P, Phelps TA, Quimbayo JP, Quiros TEAL, Shepherd B, Stefanoudis PV, Talma S, Teixeira JB, Woodall LC, Rocha LA (2023)
Nature 619:311-316

Production of phytodetritus by a coral reef sponge increases from shallow to mesophotic depths | article
Lesser MP, Macartney KJ, Slattery M (2023)
Limnol Oceanogr 68:1247–1255

Physiological and morphological plasticity in Stylophora pistillata larvae from Eilat, Israel, to shallow and mesophotic light conditions | article
Bellworthy J, Pardo R, Scucchia F, Zaslansky P, Goodbody-Gringley G, Mass T (2023)
iScience 26:106969

assembly rules of coral reef fish communities along the depth gradient | article
Pinheiro HT, MacDonald C, Quimbayo JP, Shepherd B, Phelps TA, Loss AC, Teixeira JB, Rocha LA (2023)
Curr Biol 33:1421-1430

New record of the Bluntnose scorpionfish, Neomerinthe erostris (Alcock 1896) (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) from Mayotte, southwestern Indian Ocean | article
Fricke R, Mulochau T, Barathieu G (2023)
West Ind Oc J Mar Sci 22:25-29

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