Allemand and Osborn 2019

scientific article | Regional Studies in Marine Science

Ocean acidification impacts on coral reefs: From sciences to solutions

Allemand D, Osborn D


Coral reefs distinctly illustrate the close relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services. They are rich marine ecosystems, hosting extensive biological diversity, and yet that diversity and the ecosystem services provided are among the most endangered because of global changes. By reducing and altering coral reef biodiversity, global changes are endangering the lives of hundreds of millions of people. It was therefore appropriate that the ongoing workshop series ”Bridging the gap between Ocean Acidification and Economic Valuation” dedicated, during the International Year of Coral Reefs, its 4th edition in search of solutions inspired by the most recent data of the Natural, Economic and Social Sciences. This article summarizes the ecological and human importance of coral reefs, the reasons for their sensitivity to global changes, and presents the major conclusions of the workshop as well as policy options


Mesophotic “mentions”
2 x (total of 6039 words)

* Focused on 'mesophotic' depth range
* Focused on 'mesophotic coral ecosystem'

Climate Change
Management and Conservation

Scleractinia (Hard Corals)

Author profiles