Venegas et al. 2019

scientific article | Sci Rep | open access

The Rarity of Depth Refugia from Coral Bleaching Heat Stress in the Western and Central Pacific Islands

Venegas RM, Oliver T, Liu G, Heron SF, Clark SJ, Pomeroy N, Young C, Eakin CM, Brainard RE


Some researchers have suggested that corals living in deeper reefs may escape heat stress experienced by shallow corals. We evaluated the potential of deep coral reef refugia from bleaching stress by leveraging a long record of satellite-derived sea surface temperature data with a temporal, spatial, and depth precision of in situ temperature records. We calculated an in situ stress metric using a depth biasadjusted threshold for 457 coral reef sites among 49 islands in the western and central Pacific Ocean over the period 2001–2017. Analysis of 1,453 heating events found no meaningful depth refuge from heat stress down to 38 m, and no significant association between depth and subsurface heat stress. Further, the surface metric underestimated subsurface stress by an average of 39.3%, across all depths. Combining satellite and in situ temperature data can provide bleaching-relevant heat stress results to avoid misrepresentation of heat stress exposure at shallow reefs.

Depth range
0- 38 m

Mesophotic “mentions”
4 x (total of 7211 words)

* Presents original data
* Focused on 'mesophotic' depth range
* Focused on 'mesophotic coral ecosystem'

Climate Change

Scleractinia (Hard Corals)

American Samoa
USA - Hawaii
Micronesia - Mariana Islands

Surface-deployed sensors and samplers
In-situ instrumentation

Author profiles