Surface-deployed sensors and samplers

[76 results] • Download as CSV

Cruise Report: MDBC Expedition NOAA Ship Pisces, June 29–July 30, 2022 | report
Harter S, David Andy, Taylor JC, Shukla A (2023)

Cruise Report: MDBC Expedition NOAA Ship Nancy Foster, August 9–29, 2022 | report
Clark R, Demopoulos A (2023)

Comparing Seamounts and coral reefs with eDNA and BRUVS reveals oases and refuges on shallow seamounts | article
Baletaud F, Lecellier G, Gilbert A, Mathon L, Côme JM, Dejean T, Dumas M, Fiat S, Vigliola L (2023)
biology 12:1446

Dominance of photo over chromatic acclimation strategies by habitat-forming mesophotic red algae | article
Voerman SE, Marsh BC, Bahia RG, Pereira-Filho GH, Becker AC, Amado-Filho GM, Ruseckas A, Turnbull GA, Samuel ID, Burdett HL (2023)
Proc R Soc B 290:20231329

Environmental DNA highlights fish biodiversity in mesophotic ecosystems | article
Muff M, Jaquier M, Marques V, Ballesta L, Deter J, Bockel T, Hocdé R, Juhel JB, Boulanger E, Guellati N, Fernández AP (2023)
Environ DNA 5:56-72

Carbonate platform drowning caught in the act: the sedimentology of Saya de Malha Bank (Indian Ocean) | article
Betzler C, Lindhorst S, Reijmer JJG, Braga JC, Lüdmann T, Bialik OM, Reolid J, Geßner AL, Hainbucher D, Bissessur D (2023)
Sedimentology 70:78-99

Mesophotic benthic communities associated with a submerged palaeoshoreline in Western Australia | article
Wakeford M, Puotinen M, Nicholas W, Colquhoun J, Vaughan BI, Whalan S, Parnum I, Radford B, Case M, Galaiduk R, Miller KJ (2023)
PLoS ONE 18:e0289805

Mesophotic foraminiferal-algal nodules play a role in the Red Sea carbonate budget | article
Bracchi VA, Purkis SJ, Marchese F, Nolan MKB, Terraneo TI, Vimercati S, Chimienti G, Rodrigue M, Eweida A, Benzoni F (2023)
Commun. Earth Environ. 4:288

Using soundscapes to assess changes in coral reef social-ecological systems | article
Lin T-H, Sinniger F, Harii S, Akamatsu T (2023)
Oceanography 36:20-27

Benthic characterization of mesophotic communities based on optical depths in the Southern Mexican Pacific Coast (Oaxaca) | article
Pérez-Castro MÁ, Eyal G, Leyte-Morales GE, Hinojosa-Arango G, Enríquez S (2023)
Diversity 15:531

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