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Using light-dependent scleractinia to define the upper boundary of mesophotic coral ecosystems on the reefs of Utila, Honduras | article Laverick JH, Andradi-Brown DA, Rogers AD (2017) PLoS ONE 12:e0183075
In four shallow and mesophotic tropical reef sponges from Guam the microbial community largely depends on host identity | article Steinert G, Taylor MW, Deines P, Simister RL, de Voogd NJ, Hoggard M, Schupp PJ (2016) PeerJ 4:e1936
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Gold coral (Savalia savaglia) and gorgonian forests enhance benthic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the mesophotic zone | article Cerrano C, Danovaro R, Gambi C, Pusceddu A, Riva A, Schiaparelli S (2010) Biodivers Conserv 19:153-167
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