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Trophic designation and live coral cover predict changes in reef-fish community structure along a shallow to mesophotic gradient in Hawaii | article
Kane CN, Tissot BN (2017)
Coral Reefs 36:891–901

First record of spawning in the mesophotic Acropora tenella in Okinawa, Japan | article
Prasetia R, Sinniger F, Harii S (2017)
Galaxea, J Coral Reef Stud 19:5-6

Using light-dependent scleractinia to define the upper boundary of mesophotic coral ecosystems on the reefs of Utila, Honduras | article
Laverick JH, Andradi-Brown DA, Rogers AD (2017)
PLoS ONE 12:e0183075

In four shallow and mesophotic tropical reef sponges from Guam the microbial community largely depends on host identity | article
Steinert G, Taylor MW, Deines P, Simister RL, de Voogd NJ, Hoggard M, Schupp​ PJ (2016)
PeerJ 4:e1936

Host-specific assembly of sponge-associated prokaryotes at high taxonomic ranks | article
Steinert G, Rohde S, Janussen D, Blaurock C, Schupp PJ (2017)
Sci Rep 7:2542

Spatial distribution patterns of the soft corals Alcyonium acaule and Alcyonium palmatum in coastal bottoms (Cap de Creus, northwestern Mediterrane... | article
Ambroso S, Gori A, Dominguez-Carrió C, Gili JM, Berganzo E, Teixidó N, Greenacre M, Rossi S (2013)
Mar Biol 160:3059-3070

Distribution and population structure of deep-dwelling red coral in the Northwest Mediterranean | article
Angiolillo M, Gori A, Canese S, Bo M, Priori C, Bavestrello G, Salvati E, Erra F, Greenacre M, Santangelo G (2016)
Mar Ecol 37:294-310

Record of Ellisella paraplexauroides (Anthozoa: Alcyonacea: Ellisellidae) in Italian waters (Mediterranean Sea) | article
Angiolillo M, Bo M, Bavestrello G, Giusti M, Salvati E, Canese S (2012)
Mar Biodivers Rec 5:1-8

The red coral populations of the gulfs of Naples and Salerno: human impact and deep mass mortalities | article
Bavestrello G, Bo M, Canese S, Sandulli R, Cattaneo-Vietti R (2014)
Ital J Zool 81:552-563

Growth patterns in mesophotic octocorals: Timing the branching process in the highly-valuable Mediterranean Corallium rubrum | article
Benedetti MC, Priori C, Erra F, Santangelo G (2016)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 171:106-110

Antipathella subpinnata (Antipatharia, Myriopathidae) in Italian seas | article
Bo M, Tazioli S, Spanò N, Bavestrello G (2008)
Ital J Zool 75:185-195

Characteristics of a black coral meadow in the twilight zone of the central Mediterranean Sea | article
Bo M, Bavestrello G, Canese S, Giusti M, Salvati E, Angiolillo M, Greco S (2009)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 397:53-61

Coral assemblage off the Calabrian Coast (South Italy) with new observations on living colonies of Antipathes dichotoma | article
Bo M, Bavestrello G, Canese S, Giusti M, Angiolillo M, Cerrano C, Salvati E, Greco S (2011)
Ital J Zool 78:231-242

Deep coral oases in the south Tyrrhenian Sea | article
Bo M, Canese S, Spaggiari C, Pusceddu A, Bertolino M, Angiolillo M, Giusti M, Loreto MF, Salvati E, Greco S, Bavestrello G (2012)
PLoS ONE 7:e49870

New insights into connectivity patterns of mesophotic red coral (Corallium rubrum) populations | article
Cannas R, Sacco F, Cau A, Coluccia E, Follesa MC, Cau A (2015)
Hydrobiologia 759:63-73

Habitat constraints and self-thinning shape Mediterranean red coral deep population structure: implications for conservation practice | article
Cau A, Bramanti L, Cannas R, Follesa MC, Angiolillo M, Canese S, Bo M, Cuccu D, Guizien K (2016)
Sci Rep 6:1-10

Gold coral (Savalia savaglia) and gorgonian forests enhance benthic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the mesophotic zone | article
Cerrano C, Danovaro R, Gambi C, Pusceddu A, Riva A, Schiaparelli S (2010)
Biodivers Conserv 19:153-167

Into the depth of population genetics: pattern of structuring in mesophotic red coral populations | article
Costantini F, Costantini F, Abbiati M (2016)
Coral Reefs 35:39-52

Limited genetic connectivity between gorgonian morphotypes along a depth gradient | article
Costantini F, Costantini F, Gori A, Lopez-González P, Bramanti L, Rossi S, Gili JM, Abbiati M (2016)
PLoS ONE 11:e0160678

Diversity, distribution and population size structure of deep Mediterranean gorgonian assemblages (Menorca Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea) | article
Grinyó J, Gori A, Ambroso S, Purroy A, Calatayud C, Dominguez-Carrió C, Coppari M, Lo Iacono C, López-González P, Gili JM (2016)
Progr Oceanogr 145:42-56

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