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Luzonichthys seaver, a new species of Anthiinae (Perciformes, Serranidae) from Pohnpei, Micronesia | article
Copus JM, Ka'apu-Lyons CA, Pyle RL (2015)
Biodivers Data J 3:e4902

The coral core microbiome identifies rare bacterial taxa as ubiquitous endosymbionts | article
Ainsworth TD, Krause L, Bridge T, Torda G, Raina J-B, Zakrzewski M, Gates RD, Padilla-Gamiño JL, Spalding HL, Smith C, Woolsey ES, Bourne DG, Bongaerts P, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Leggat W (2015)
ISME J 9:2261-2274

Neoniphon pencei, a new species of holocentrid (Teleostei: Beryciformes) from Rarotonga, Cook Islands | article
Copus JM, Pyle RL, Earle JL (2015)
Biodivers Data J 3:e4180

Fish Biodiversity of the Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain, Southwestern Atlantic: An Updated Database | article
Pinheiro HT, Mazzei E, Moura RL, Amado-Filho GM, Carvalho-Filho A, Braga AC, Costa PAS, Ferreira BP, Ferreira CEL, Floeter SR, Francini-Filho RB, Gasparini JL, Macieira RM, Martins AS, Olavo G, Pimentel CR, Rocha LA, Sazima I, Simon T, Teixeira JB, Xavier LB, Joyeux J-C (2015)
PLoS ONE 10:e0118180

Diverse Staghorn Coral Fauna on the Mesophotic Reefs of North-East Australia | article
Muir P, Wallace C, Bridge TCL, Bongaerts P (2015)
PLoS ONE 10:e0117933

A spectacular new species of seadragon (Syngnathidae) | article
Stiller J, Wilson NG, Rouse GW (2015)
R Soc Open Sci 2:140458

Habitat-specific environmental conditions primarily control the microbiomes of the coral Seriatopora hystrix | article
Pantos O, Bongaerts P, Dennis PG, Tyson GW, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2015)
ISME J 9:1916-1927

Prevalent endosymbiont zonation shapes the depth distributions of scleractinian coral species | article
Bongaerts P, Carmichael M, Hay KB, Tonk L, Frade PR, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2015)
R Soc Open Sci 2:140297

Fishes associated with mesophotic coral ecosystems in La Parguera, Puerto Rico | article
Bejarano I, Appeldoorn MN (2014)
Coral Reefs 33:313-328

Deep down on a Caribbean reef: lower mesophotic depths harbor a specialized coral-endosymbiont community | article
Bongaerts P, Frade PR, Hay KB, Englebert N, Latijnhouwers KRW, Bak RPM, Vermeij MJA, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2015)
Sci Rep 5:7652

Vertical and Horizontal Genetic Connectivity in Chromis verater, an Endemic Damselfish Found on Shallow and Mesophotic Reefs in the Hawaiian Archip... | article
Tenggardjaja KA, Bowen BW, Bernardi G (2014)
PLoS ONE 9:e115493

Silent fish surveys: bubble-free diving highlights inaccuracies associated with SCUBA-based surveys in heavily fished areas | article
Lindfield SJ, Harvey ES, McIlwain JL, Halford AR (2014)
Methods Ecol Evol 5:1061-1069

Geographic differences in vertical connectivity in the Caribbean coral Montastraea cavernosa despite high levels of horizontal connectivity at shal... | article
Serrano X, Baums IB, O'Reilly K, Smith TB, Jones TL, Shearer TL, Nunes FLD, Baker AC (2014)
Mol Ecol 23:4226-4240

A depth refugium from catastrophic coral bleaching prevents regional extinction | article
Smith TB, Glynn PW, Maté JL, Toth LT, Gyory J (2014)
Ecology 95:1663-1673

Allelopathy in the tropical alga Lobophora variegata (Phaeophyceae): mechanistic basis for a phase shift on mesophotic coral reefs? | article
Slattery M, Lesser MP (2014)
J Phycol 50:493-505

Depth Refuge and the Impacts of SCUBA Spearfishing on Coral Reef Fishes | article
Lindfield SJ, McIlwain J, Harvey ES (2014)
PLoS ONE 9:e92628

Deglacial mesophotic reef demise on the Great Barrier Reef | article
Abbey E, Webster JM, Braga JC, Jacobsen GE, Thorogood G, Thomas AL, Camoin G, Reimer PJ, Potts DC (2013)
Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 392:473-494

Deep-water benthic algae of the Florida Middle Ground | article
Cheney DP, Dyer III JP (1974)
Mar Biol 27:185-190

The deep-water species of Halimeda Lamouroux (Halimedaceae, Chlorophyta) from San Salvador Island, Bahamas: species composition, distribution and d... | article
Blair SM, Norris JN (1988)
Coral Reefs 6:227-236

New Records of Deep-Water Cnidaria (Scleractinia & Antipatharia) from the Gulf of Mexico | article
Cairns SD, Opresko DM, Hopkins TS, Schroeder WW (1993)
Northeast Gulf Science 13:1-11
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