Stylophora pistillata

Stylophora pistillata

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Composition and ecology of deep-water coral associations | article
Kühlmann DHH (1983)
Helgol Mar Res 36:183-204
1 occurrence(s)
Changes in scleractinian coral Seriatopora hystrix morphology and its endocellular Symbiodinium characteristics along a bathymetric gradient from s... | article
Nir O, Gruber DF, Einbinder S, Kark S, Tchernov D (2011)
Coral Reefs 30:1089-1100
1 occurrence(s)
Diversity of Scleractinia and Octocorallia in the mesophotic zone of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia | article
Bridge TCL, Fabricius KE, Bongaerts P, Wallace CC, Muir PR, Done TJ, Webster JM (2012)
Coral Reefs 31:179-189
1 occurrence(s)
Gametogenesis and fecundity of Acropora tenella (Brook 1892) in a mesophotic coral ecosystem in Okinawa, Japan | article
Prasetia R, Sinniger F, Harii S (2016)
Coral Reefs 35:53-62
1 occurrence(s)
Euphyllia paradivisa, a successful mesophotic coral in the northern Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba, Red Sea | article
Eyal G, Eyal-Shaham L, Cohen I, Tamir R, Ben-Zvi O, Sinniger F, Loya Y (2016)
Coral Reefs 35:91-102
1 occurrence(s)
Nutrient acquisition strategies in mesophotic hard corals using compound specific stable isotope analysis of sterols | article
Crandall JB, Teece MA, Estes BA, Manfrino C, Ciesla JH (2016)
J Exp Mar Bio Ecol 474:133-141
1 occurrence(s)
Functional changes of the visual system of the damselfish Dascyllus marginatus along its bathymetric range | article
Brokovich E, Ben-Ari T, Kark S, Kiflawi M, Dishon G, Iluz D, Shashar N (2010)
Physiol Behav 101:413-21
1 occurrence(s)
Habitat-specific environmental conditions primarily control the microbiomes of the coral Seriatopora hystrix | article
Pantos O, Bongaerts P, Dennis PG, Tyson GW, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2015)
ISME J 9:1916-1927
1 occurrence(s)
Reproduction, abundance and survivorship of two Alveopora spp. in the mesophotic reefs of Eilat, Red Sea | article
Eyal-Shaham L, Eyal G, Tamir R, Loya Y (2016)
Sci Rep 6:20964
1 occurrence(s)
Prevalent endosymbiont zonation shapes the depth distributions of scleractinian coral species | article
Bongaerts P, Carmichael M, Hay KB, Tonk L, Frade PR, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2015)
R Soc Open Sci 2:140297
1 occurrence(s)
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