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Allelopathy in the tropical alga Lobophora variegata (Phaeophyceae): mechanistic basis for a phase shift on mesophotic coral reefs? | article
Slattery M, Lesser MP (2014)
J Phycol 50:493-505

Gradual changes of benthic biodiversity in Comau Fjord, Chilean Patagonia – lateral observations over a decade of taxonomic research | article
Häussermann V, Försterra G, Melzer RR, Meyer R (2013)
Spixiana 36:161-171
The rare, giant gorgonian Ellisella paraplexauroides: demographics and conservation concerns | article
Maldonado M, López-Acosta M, Sánchez-Tocino L, Sitjà C (2013)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 479:127-141

Spatial patterns of benthic megahabitats and conservation planning in the Abrolhos Bank | article
Moura RL, Secchin NA, Amado-Filho GM, Francini-Filho RB, Freitas MO, Minte-Vera CV, Teixeira JB, Thompson FL, Dutra GF, Sumida PY, Guth ZA, Lopes RM, Bastos AC (2013)
Cont Shelf Res 70:109-117

A tale of two winds: species richness patterns of reef corals around the Semporna peninsula, Malaysia | article
Waheed Z, Hoeksema BW (2013)
Marine Biodiversity 43:37-51

Typhoon damage on a shallow mesophotic reef in Okinawa, Japan | article
White KN, Ohara T, Fujii T, Kawamura I, Mizuyama M, Montenegro J, Shikiba H, Naruse T, McClelland TY, Denis V, Reimer JD (2013)
PeerJ 1:e151

Cyclone damage at mesophotic depths on Myrmidon Reef (GBR) | article
Bongaerts P, Muir P, Englebert N, Bridge TCL, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2013)
Coral Reefs 32:935

Typhoon damage of large-scaled coral communities dominated by Acropora horrida (Dana, 1846) (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) in the mesophotic zone off ... | article
Fujita Y, Kimura T, Shioiri A, Naruse T (2012)
Biol Mag Okinawa 50:61-66
Coralligenous habitat: patterns of vertical distribution of macroalgal assemblages | article
Piazzi L, Balata D (2011)
Scientia Marina 75:399-406

The United States Virgin Islands Territorial Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Year 11 Annual Report | report
Smith TB, Kadison E, Henderson L, Brandt ME, Gyory J, Kammann M, Wright V, Nemeth RS (2011)
The United States Virgin Islands Territorial Coral Reef Monitoring Program
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