Porifera (Sponges)

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Characteristics of the Mesophotic Megabenthic Assemblages of the Vercelli Seamount (North Tyrrhenian Sea) | article
Bo M, Bertolino M, Borghini M, Castellano M, Covazzi Harriague A, Di Camillo CG, Gasparini G, Misic C, Povero P, Pusceddu A, Schroeder K, Bavestrello G (2011)
PLoS ONE 6:e16357

Variability in mesophotic coral reef communities along the Great Barrier Reef, Australia | article
Bridge TCL, Done TJ, Friedman A, Beaman RJ, Williams SB, Pizarro O, Webster JM (2011)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 428:63-75

A characterization of the sponge community in the region of Grays Canyon, WA from a survey using an autonomus underwater vehicle, October 2010 | report
Clarke ME, Fruh E (2010)

High resolution mapping of community structure in three glass sponge reefs (Porifera, Hexactinellida) | article
Chu JWF, Leys SP (2010)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 417:97–113

Sponge richness along a bathymetric gradient within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa | article
Samaai T, Gibbons MJ, Kerwath S, Yemane D, Sink K (2010)
Mar Biodiv 40:205-217

Mesophotic benthic habitats and associated marine communities at Abrir La Sierra, Puerto Rico | report
Garcia-Sais JR, Castro-Gomez RL, Sabater-Clavell J, Esteves R, Williams S, Carlo M (2010)
Chemical constituents of the deep reef caribbean sponges Plakortis angulospiculatus and Plakortis halichondrioides and their anti-inflammatory acti... | article
Ankisetty S, Gochfeld D, Diaz M, Khan S, Slattery M (2010)
J Nat Prod 73:1494-1498

Biodiversity and rockfish recruitment in sponge gardens and bioherms of southern British Columbia, Canada | article
Marliave JB, Conway KW, Gibbs DM, Lamb A, Gibbs C (2009)
Mar Biol 156:2247-2254

Photogrammetric quantitative study of habitat and benthic communities of deep Cantabrian Sea hard grounds | article
Sánchez F, Serrano A, Ballesteros MG. (2009)
Continental Shelf Research 29:1174-1188

Status of the glass sponge reefs in the Georgia Basin | article
Cook SE, Conway KW, Burd B (2008)
Marine Environmental Research 66:S80-S86

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