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Submerged reefs in the Abrolhos Shelf: morphology and habitat distribution | chapter
Ferreira LC, Bastos AC, Amado Filho GM, Leite MDA, Boni GC, Moraes FC, Secchin N, Vieira LS, Bahia R, Oliveira N, Quaresma VS, Moura RL (2020)
in: Seafloor geomorphology as benthic habitat () by Harris PT, Baker E

Massive bioconstructions built by Neopycnodonte cochlear (Mollusca, Bivalvia) in a mesophotic environment in the central Mediterranean Sea | article
Cardone F, Corriero G, Longo C, Mercurio M, Tarantini SO, Gravina MF, Lisco S, Moretti M, De Giosa F, Giangrande A, Marzano CN, Pierri C (2020)
Scientific Reports

Megabenthos and benthopelagic fishes on Southeast Atlantic seamounts | article
Bergstad OA, Gil M, Høines ÅS, Sarralde R, Maletzky E, Mostarda E, Singh L, António MA, Ramil F, Clerkin P, Campanis G (2019)
African Journal of Marine Science 41:29-50

Habitat mapping of cold-water corals in the Mediterranean Sea | chapter
Lo Iacono C, Savini A, Huvenne VA, Gràcia E (2019)
in: Coral Reefs of the World (Springer) by Riegl BM, Dodge RE
The Chagos Archipelago | chapter
Andradi-Brown DA, Dinesen Z, Dinesen Z, Head CEI, Tickler DM, Rowlands G, Rogers AD (2019)
in: Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems, Coral Reefs of the World (Springer) by Loya Y, Puglise KA, Bridge TCL
Deep-Reef Fish Communities of the Great Barrier Reef Shelf-Break: Trophic Structure and Habitat Associations | article
Sih TL, Daniell JJ, Bridge TCL, Beaman RJ, Cappo M, Kingsford MJ (2019)

The Pulley Ridge deep reef is not a stable refugia through time | article
Slattery M, Moore S, Boye L, Whitney S, Woolsey A, Woolsey, M (2018)
Coral Reefs 37:391-396

Development of a Seamless, High-Resolution Bathymetric Model to Compare Reef Morphology around the Subtropical Island Shelves of Lord Howe Island a... | article
Linklater M, Hamylton SM, Brooke BP, Nichol SL, Jordan AR, Woodroffe CD (2018)
Geosciences 8:1-25

Biodiversity and spatial patterns of benthic habitat and associated demersal fish communities at two tropical submerged reef ecosystems | article
Wahab MAA, Radford B, Cappo M, Colquhoun J, Stowar M, Depczynski M, Miller K, Heyward A (2018)
Coral Reefs 37:327–343

Coralgal reef morphology records punctuated sea-level rise during the last deglaciation | article
Khanna P, Droxler AW, Nittrouer JA, Tunnell JW Jr, Shirley TC (2017)
Nature communications 8:1-8

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