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Classifying benthic biotopes on sub-tropical continental shelf reefs: How useful are abiotic surrogates? | article
Richmond S, Stevens T (2014)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 138:79-89

Characterization of mesophotic benthic habitats and associated reef communities at Tourmaline Reef, Puerto Rico | report
Garcia-Sais JR, Williams SM, Esteves RF, Sabater J, Carlo MA (2013)
Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems – potential candidates as essential fish habitat and habitat areas of particular concern | report
Blyth-Skyrme VJ, Rooney JJ, Parrish FA, Boland RC (2013)

Seafloor Habitats and Benthos of a Continental Ridge: Chatham Rise, New Zealand | chapter
Nodder SD, Bowden DA, Pallentin A, Mackay K (2012)
in: Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat () by Harris P, Baker E
Models and maps: predicting the distribution of corals and other benthic macro-invertebrates in shelf habitats | article
Krigsman LM, Yoklavich MM, Dick EJ, Cochrane GR (2012)
Ecosphere 3:1-16

Habitat complexity and bottom fauna composition at different scales on the continental shelf and slope of northern Norway | article
Buhl-Mortensen L, Buhl-Mortensen P, Dolan MFJ, Dannheim J, Bellec V, Holte B (2012)
Hydrobiologia 685:191-219

Rock ridges in the Central English Channel | chapter
Coggan RA, Diesing M (2012)
in: Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat () by Harris PT, Baker EK
Predictive modeling of dominant macroalgae abundance on temperate island shelves (Azores, Northeast Atlantic) | chapter
Tempera F, MacKenzie M, Bashmachnikov I, Puotinen M, Santos RS, Bates R (2012)
in: Seafloor Geomorphology As Benthic Habitat : GeoHAB Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats () by Harris PT, Baker EK

Comparison of automated classification techniques for predicting benthic biological communities using hydroacoustics and video observations | article
Ierodiaconou D, Monk J, Rattray A, Laurenson L, Versace VL (2011)
Cont Shelf Res 31:S28-S38

A Quantitative, Non-Destructive Methodology for Habitat Characterisation and Benthic Monitoring at Offshore Renewable Energy Developments | article
Sheehan EV, Stevens TF, Attrill MJ (2010)
PLoS ONE 5:e14461

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