SCUBA (open-circuit or unspecified)

[603 results] • Download as CSV

Seriatopora diversity preserved in upper Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in Southern Japan | article
Sinniger F, Prasetia R, Yorifuji M, Bongaerts P, Harii S (2017)
Front Mar Sci 4:155

Reproductive biology of the deep brooding coral Seriatopora hystrix: Implications for shallow reef recovery | article
Prasetia R, Sinniger F, Hashizume K, Harii S (2017)
PLoS ONE 12:e0177034

Deep reefs are not universal refuges: Reseeding potential varies among coral species | article
Bongaerts P, Riginos C, Brunner R, Englebert N, Smith SR, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2017)
Science Advances 3:e1602373

Lush underwater forests in mesophotic reefs of the Gulf of Guinea | article
Morais RA, Maia HA (2017)
Coral Reefs 36:95

Do the shuffle: Changes in Symbiodinium consortia throughout juvenile coral development | article
Reich HG, Robertson DL, Goodbody-Gringley G (2017)
PLoS ONE 12:e0171768

40 Years of benthic community change on the Caribbean reefs of Curaçao and Bonaire: the rise of slimy cyanobacterial mats | article
De Bakker DM, Van Duyl FC, Bak RPM, Nugues MM, Nieuwland G, Meesters EH (2017)
Coral Reefs 36:355–367

Identifying zooplankton community changes between shallow and upper-mesophotic reefs on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, Caribbean | article
Andradi-Brown DA, Head CEI, Exton DA, Hunt CL, Hendrix A, Gress E, Rogers AD (2017)
PeerJ 5:e2853

Higher species richness of octocorals in the upper mesophotic zone in Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba) compared to shallower reef zones | article
Shoham E, Benayahu Y (2017)
Coral Reefs 36:71-81

Large-scale invasion of western Atlantic mesophotic reefs by lionfish potentially undermines culling-based management | article
Andradi-Brown DA, Vermeij MJA, Slattery M, Lesser M, Bejarano I, Appeldoorn R, Goodbody-Gringley G, Chequer AD, Pitt JM, Eddy C, Smith SR, Brokovich E, Pinheiro HT, Jessup ME, Shepherd B, Rocha LA, Curtis-Quick J, Eyal G, Noyes TJ, Rogers AD, Exton DA (2017)
Biol Invasions 19:939–954

Morphological and genetic species diversity in ostracods (Crustacea: Oligostraca) from Caribbean reefs | article
Galindo Estronza AM, Alfaro M, Schizas NV (2017)
Marine Biodiversity 47:37-53

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