Enrichetti et al. 2023

scientific article | Deep Sea Res Part 1 Oceanogr Res Pap

Facies created by the yellow coral Dendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck, 1816): Origin, substrate preferences and habitat complexity

Enrichetti F, Toma M, Bavestrello G, Betti F, Giusti M, Canese S, Moccia D, Quarta G, Calcagnile L, Andaloro F, Greco S, Bo M


The yellow coral Dendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck, 1816) is a NE Atlantic-Mediterranean scleractinian. It is considered a typical hard bottom species, generally reported on outcropping rocks from mesophotic to upper bathyal depths. Several evidences suggest that this species is able to tolerate a broad range of temperatures, which allows it to colonize numerous environments in a wide depth range. In the present study, we first provided a detailed ecological characterization of the D. cornigera dense aggregation thriving on the Mantice Shoal (NW Ligurian Sea, Mediterranean Sea). Information on substrate type and inclination, average extension and density, colonies size-class frequency distribution and associated fauna are reported. Then, we presented an extensive review of the available information on the ecology of this species, including 142 new ROV records from the Italian coast (40–1820 m). Results indicated that D. cornigera occurs on a wide range of substrates, including soft bottoms and hardgrounds (outcropping rocks, coralligenous rock and dead cold-water coral frameworks), with significant differences in colony density and size among different substrates. Dendrophyllia cornigera creates three main facies, each characterized by a specific combination of substrate, inclination, depth, and associated fauna. Scattered living colonies, as well as large thanatocoenoses, display a wide geographical and bathymetric distribution. Differently, the facies represented by dense meadows on horizontal soft-bottoms results rare, being reported only from the Mantice Shoal and the Amendolara Bank (Ionian Sea). The radiocarbon age of the thanatocoenoses varies between 400 (Corsica Channel) and 13000 (Vercelli Seamount) years before present. This study highlights the wide adaptability of D. cornigera in terms of environmental settings, changing the current view on the ecology of this species and providing essential insights for the implementation of international deep-sea habitat classification schemes and conservation measures.

Meta-data (pending validation)
Depth range
40- 1820 m

Mesophotic “mentions”
10 x (total of 9122 words)

* Presents original data
* Focused on 'mesophotic' depth range
* Focused on 'temperate mesophotic ecosystem'


Porifera (Sponges)
Scleractinia (Hard Corals)

Italy - Ligurian-Tyrrhenian

Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)
Sonar / Multibeam

Author profiles