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Light requirements and depth zonation of marine macroalgae | article
Markager S, Sand-Jensen K (1992)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 88:83-92
The deeper we go the less we know | article
Menza C, Kendall M, Hile S (2008)
Rev Biol Trop 56:11-24

Deep-water green algae from the Bahamas, including Cladophora vandenhoekii sp. nov. (Cladophorales) | article
Norris JN, Olsen JL (1991)
Phycologia 30:315-328

Abundances and physiological properties of deep-water seaweeds from Carolina outer continental shelf | article
Peckol P, Ramus J (1988)
J Exp Mar Bio Ecol 115:25-39

Benthic biological studies of the southwest Florida shelf | article
Phillips NW, Gettleson DA, Spring KD (1990)
Am Zool 30:65-75

Diversity and bathymetric distribution of lithistid sponges in the tropical western Atlantic region | article
Pomponi SA, Kelly M, Reed JK, Wright AE (2001)
Bull Biol Soc Wash 10:344-353
A perforated gastrovascular cavity in the symbiotic deep-water coral Leptoseris fragilis: a new strategy to optimize heterotrophic nutrition | article
Schlichter D (1991)
Helgolander Meeresunters 45:423-443

Mechanisms of amplification of photosynthetically active radiation in the symbiotic deep-water coral Leptoseris fragilis | article
Schlichter D, Fricke HW (1991)
Hydrobiologia 216/217:389-394

Light harvesting by wavelength transformation in a symbiotic coral of the Red Sea twilight zone | article
Schlichter D, Fricke HW, Weber W (1986)
Mar Biol 91:403-407

Trophic potential and photoecology of endolithic algae living within coral skeletons | article
Schlichter D, Kampmann H, Conrady S (1997)
Mar Ecol 18:299-317

Coral cover, zonation and diversity on reef slopes of Chagos Atolls, and population structures of the major species | article
Sheppard CRC (1980)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 2:193-205
Coral populations on reef slopes and their major controls | review
Sheppard CRC (1982)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 7:83-115
The distribution of algae, corals, and gorgonians in relation to depth, light attenuation, water movement and grazing pressure in the fringing reef... | article
Van den Hoek C, Breeman AM, Bak RPM, Van Buurt G (1978)
Aquat Bot 5:1-46

Temperature related depth limits of warm-water corals | article
Kahng SE, Wagner D, Lantz C, Vetter O, Gove J, Merrifield M (2012)
Proc 12th Int Coral Reef Symp
A new mesophotic clingfish (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from the Bahamas | article
Sparks JS, Gruber DF (2012)
Copeia 2012:251-256

Archeolourinia shermani, a new genus and species of Louriniidae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) from a Caribbean mesophotic zone | article
Corgosinho PHC, Schizas NV (2013)
J Mar Biol Assoc UK 93:651-657

A new species of Pontarachna (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Pontarachnidae) from a mesophotic coral ecosystem off Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, Caribbean Sea | article
Pešić V, Chatterjee T, Schizas NV (2012)
Zootaxa 3440:63-67

Two new species of the genus Cumella (Crustacea: Cumacea: Nannastacidae) associated with mesophotic reefs of Puerto Rico and St. Croix, Caribbean Sea | article
Petrescu I, Chatterjee T, Schizas NV (2013)
Cah Biol Mar 54:257-262

A new encrusting deep-water coral reef alga, Peyssonnelia incomposita (Peyssonneliaceae, Rhodophyta), from Puerto Rico, Caribbean Sea | article
Ballantine DL, Ruiz H (2011)
Crypt Algol 32:19-26

First record of a mesophotic Pachyseris foliosa reef from Japan | article
Ohara T, Fujii T, Kawamura I, Mizuyama M, Montenegro J, Shikiba H, White KN, Reimer JD (2013)
Marine Biodiversity 43:71-72

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