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Molecular phylogeny, analysis of character evolution, and submersible collections enable a new classification of a diverse group of gobies (Teleost... | article
Tornabene L, Van Tassell JL, Gilmore RG, Robertson DR, Young F, Baldwin CC (2016)
Zool J Linn Soc 177:764–812

Changes in benthic communities along a 0–60 m depth gradient in the remote St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Brazil) | article
Magalhães GM, Amado-Filho GM, Rosa MR, de Moura RL, Brasileiro PS, de Moraes FC, Francini-Filho RB, Pereira-Filho GH (2015)
Bull Mar Sci 91:377-396

Field comparison of open-circuit scuba to closed-circuit rebreathers for deep mixed-gas diving operations | article
Parrish FA, Pyle RL (2002)
Mar Technol Soc J 36:13-22

Assessing Undiscovered Fish Biodiversity on Deep Coral Reefs Using Advanced Self-Contained Diving Technology | article
Pyle RL (2000)
Mar Technol Soc J 34:82-91

Exploring deep coral reefs: How much biodiversity are we missing? | article
Pyle RL (1996)

Landscape-level imaging of benthic environments in optically-deep waters | chapter
Armstrong RA (2016)
in: Seafloor Mapping along Continental Shelves () by Finkl CW, Makowski C
100% endemism in mesophotic reef fish assemblages at Kure Atoll, Hawaiian Islands | article
Kosaki RK, Pyle RL, Leonard JC, Hauk BB, Whitton RK, Wagner D (2016)
Marine Biodiversity 47:783-784

Repeated invasions into the twilight zone: evolutionary origins of a novel assemblage of fishes from deep Caribbean reefs | article
Tornabene L, van Tassell JL, Robertson DR, Baldwin CC (2016)
Mol Ecol 25:3662-3682

New genus and new species of Cumacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the mesophotic coral ecosystem of SW Puerto Rico, Caribbean Sea | article
Petrescu I, Chatterjee T, Schizas NV (2012)
Zootaxa 3476:55-61

Mesophotic coral reefs of the Puerto Rico Shelf | chapter
Armstrong RA, Singh H (2012)
in: Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats () by Harris P, Baker E

Unlocking the secrets of Hawaii’s deep-water photosynthetic corals | article
Kahng SE (2014)

Characterization of benthic habitats and associated reef communities at Bajo de Sico Seamount, Mona Passage, Puerto Rico | report
Garcia-Sais JR, Castro R, Sabater-Clavell J, Carlo M, Esteves R (2007)

The State of Deep Coral Ecosystems of the United States | report
Lumdsen SE, Hourigan TF, Bruckner AW, Dorr G (2007)

Deep-Water Coral Reefs of the United States | chapter
Messing CG, Reed JK, Brooke SD, Ross SW (2008)
in: Coral Reefs of the USA (Springer) by Riegl B.M., Dodge R.E.
Cruise Report R/V Seward Johnson. A submersible survey of the continental slope of Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands | report
Nelson WR, Appeldoorn RS (1985)

Deep-water Oculina reefs of Florida: summary of the state of knowledge of the habitat, fauna, geology, and physical processes of the ecosystem | report
Reed JK (2006)
South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems – potential candidates as essential fish habitat and habitat areas of particular concern | report
Blyth-Skyrme VJ, Rooney JJ, Parrish FA, Boland RC (2013)

Prediction of mesophotic coral distributions in the Au‘au Channel, Hawaii | report
Costa BM, Kendall MS, Rooney J, Chow M, Lecky J, Parrish FA, Montgomery A, Boland RC, Spalding H (2012)

Horizontal vs. vertical connectivity in Caribbean reef corals: Identifying potential sources of recruitment following disturbance | thesis
Serrano XM (2013)

Vertical connectivity in mesophotic coral ecosystems | thesis
Holstein DM (2013)

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