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Growth and survival dynamics of mesophotic coral juveniles in shallow reefs | article
Kramer N, Eyal G, Tamir R, Loya Y (2022)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 682:237-242

Efficient light-harvesting of mesophotic corals is facilitated by coral optical traits | article
Kramer N, Tamir R, Ben‐Zvi O, Jacques SL, Loya Y, Wangpraseurt D (2021)
Funct Ecol 36:406-418

Temperate mesophotic ecosystems: gaps and perspectives of an emerging conservation challenge for the Mediterranean Sea | review
Cerrano C, Bastari A, Calcinai B, Di Camillo C, Pica D, Puce S, Valisano L, Torsani F (2019)
Eur Zool J 86:370-388

Do colonies of Lytocarpia myriophyllum, L. 1758 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) affect the biochemical composition and the meiofaunal diversity of surrounding... | article
Cerrano C, Bianchelli S, Di Camillo CG, Torsani F, Pusceddu A (2015)
Chem Ecol 31:1-21

Scleractinian diversity in the Dardanelles and Marmara Sea (Turkey): morphology, ecology and distributional patterns | article
Özalp HB, Alparslan M (2016)
Oceanol Hydrobiol Stud 45:259-285

New records of anthozoan species (Cnidaria, Octocorallia, Hexacorallia) for the Turkish Straits System | article
Özalp HB, Suat Ateş A (2015)
Oceanol Hydrobiol Stud 44:193-205

Pre-assessment of zoobenthos diversity from the only hard coral Marine Reserve in the Turkish Seas (Çanakkale Strait, Turkey) | article
Özalp HB, Demir V, Evcen A, Önen-Tarantini S, Montesanto F, Erdoğan S, Çulha M, Koçak F (2022)
Regional Studies in Marine Science 55:e102571

Anticancer activity of Turkish marine extracts: a purple sponge extract induces apoptosis with multitarget kinase inhibition activity | article
Ciftci HI, Can M, Ellakwa DE, Suner SC, Ibrahim MA, Oral A, Sekeroglu N, Özalp B, Otsuka M, Fujita M, Alparslan M, Radwan MO (2020)
Invest New Drugs 38:1326-1333

Reproductive output, synchrony across depth and influence of source depth in the development of early life stages of kelp | article
Giraldo-Ospina A, Kendrick GA, Hovey RK (2021)
J Phycol 57:311-323

Mesophotic coral ecosystems of the Great Barrier Reef are understudied and underexplored | article
Eyal G, Laverick JH, Bongaerts P, Levy O, Pandolfi JM (2021)
Front Mar Sci 8:622856

Prevalence and extent of coral diseases in shallow and mesophotic reefs of the Southwestern Atlantic | article
Morais J, Santos BA (2022)
Coral Reefs 41:1317–1322

Fish associated with a subsea pipeline and adjacent seafloor of the North West Shelf of Western Australia | article
Bond T, Partridge JC, Taylor MD, Langlois TJ, Malseed BE, Smith LD, McLean DL (2018)
Mar Environ Res 141:53-65

The influence of depth and a subsea pipeline on fish assemblages and commercially fished species | article
Bond T, Partridge JC, Taylor MD, Cooper TF, McLean DL (2018)
PLoS ONE 13:e0207703

Diel shifts and habitat associations of fish assemblages on a subsea pipeline | article
Bond T, Langlois TJ, Partridge JC, Birt MJ, Malseed BE, Smith L, McLean DL (2018)
Fish Res 206:220-234

Fish and habitats on wellhead infrastructure on the north west shelf of Western Australia | article
McLean DL, Taylor MD, Partridge JC, Gibbons B, Langlois TJ, Malseed BE, Smith LD, Bond T (2018)
Continental Shelf Research 164:10-27

Comparing the utility of industry ROV and hybrid-AUV imagery for surveys of fish along a subsea pipeline | article
Bond T, Prince J, McLean DL, Partridge JC (2020)
Mar Technol Soc J 54:33-42

Habitat value of subsea wells and pipelines for fishery target species in Australia | article
McLean D, Speed CW, Birt MJ, Colquhoun J, Case M, Stowar M, Bond T, Ierodiaconou D, Whitmarsh SK, Taylor MD, Wines S (2022)
Front Mar Sci 9:960496

Regional patterns in demersal fish assemblages among subsea pipelines and natural habitats across north-west Australia | article
Galaiduk R, Radford B, Case M, Bond T, Taylor M, Cooper T, Smith L, McLean D (2022)
Front Mar Sci 9:979987

Baited remote underwater video sample less site attached fish species along a subsea pipeline compared to a remotely operated vehicle | article
Bond T, McLean DL, Prince J, Taylor MD, Partridge JC (2022)
Mar Freshw Res 73:915-930

Distinctive community patterns with exceptional diversity of polychaetes around a tectonically active archipelago in the tropical Indian Ocean | article
Gopal A, Abdul Jaleel KU, Parameswaran UV, Sanjeevan VN, Saramma AV, Vijayan A, Saravanane N, Gupta GV, Sudhakar M (2020)
Front Mar Sci 7:710

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