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Diversity of zoanthids (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) on Hawaiian Seamounts: Description of the Hawaiian Gold Coral and Additional Zoanthids | article
Sinniger F, Ocaña OV, Baco AR (2013)
PLoS ONE 8:e52607

Quantifying Spatial Genetic Structuring in Mesophotic Populations of the Precious Coral Corallium rubrum | article
Costantini F, Costantini F, Carlesi L, Abbiati M (2013)
PLoS ONE 8:e61546

Genetic Structure in the Coral, Montastraea cavernosa: Assessing Genetic Differentiation among and within Mesophotic Reefs | article
Brazeau DA, Lesser MP, Slattery M (2013)
PLoS ONE 8:e65845

Seasonal Mesophotic Coral Bleaching of Stylophora pistillata in the Northern Red Sea | article
Nir O, Gruber DF, Shemesh E, Glasser E, Tchernov D (2014)
PLoS ONE 9:e84968

Biological and physical characteristics of a mesophotic coral reef: Black Jack reef, Vieques, Puerto Rico | article
Rivero-Calle S, Armstrong RA, Soto-Santiago FJ (2008)
Proc 11th Int Coral Reef Symp Session number: 16:567-571
Monitoring coral reefs in optically-deep waters | article
Armstrong RA, Singh H, Rivero S, Gilbes F (2008)
Proc 11th Int Coral Reef Symp Session number: 17:593-597
Azooxanthellate? Most Hawaiian black corals contain Symbiodinium | article
Wagner D, Pochon X, Irwin L, Toonen RJ, Gates RD (2011)
Proc Biol Sci 278:1323-1328

Niche specialization of reef-building corals in the mesophotic zone: metabolic trade-offs between divergent Symbiodinium types | article
Cooper TF, Ulstrup KE, Dandan SS, Heyward AJ, Kühl M, Muirhead A, O'Leary RA, Ziersen BEF, Van Oppen MJH (2011)
Proc Biol Sci 278:1840-1850

Coral disease prevalence and host susceptibility on mid-depth and deep reefs in the United States Virgin Islands | article
Calnan JM, Smith TB, Nemeth RS, Kadison E, Blondeau J (2008)
Rev Biol Trop 56:223-234

Mesophotic coral buildups in a prodelta setting (Late Eocene, southern Pyrenees, Spain): a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system | article
Morsilli M, Bosellini FR, Pomar L, Hallock P, Aurell M, Papazzoni CA (2012)
Sedimentology 59:766-794

Remote sensing of deep hermatypic coral reefs in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands using the seabed autonomous underwater vehicle | article
Armstrong RA, Singh H (2006)
SPIE 6360:64600A1-8

Imaging coral I: Imaging coral habitats with the SeaBED AUV | article
Singh H, Armstrong R, Gilbes F, Eustice R, Roman C, Pizarro O, Torres J (2004)
Subsurface Sensing Tech Appls 5:25-42

The spectral quality of light is a key driver of photosynthesis and photoadaptation in Stylophora pistillata colonies from different depths in the ... | article
Mass T, Kline DI, Roopin M, Veal CJ, Cohen S, Iluz D, Levy O (2010)
J Exp Biol 213:4084-4091

Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) from deep coral reefs in the tropical western Pacific | article
Pyle RL, Earle JL, Greene BD (2008)
Zootaxa 1671:3-31

Identifying Suitable Locations for Mesophotic Hard Corals Offshore of Maui, Hawai‘i | article
Costa B, Kendall MS, Parrish FA, Rooney J, Boland RC, Chow M, Lecky J, Montgomery A, Spalding H (2015)
PLoS ONE 10:e0130285

Fertile fathoms: Deep reproductive refugia for threatened shallow corals | article
Holstein DM, Smith TB, Gyory J, Paris CB (2015)
Sci Rep 5:12407

Spectral Diversity and Regulation of Coral Fluorescence in a Mesophotic Reef Habitat in the Red Sea | article
Eyal G, Wiedenmann J, Grinblat M, D'Angelo C, Kramarsky-Winter E, Treibitz T, Ben-Zvi O, Shaked Y, Smith TB, Harii S, Denis V, Noyes T, Tamir R, Loya Y (2015)
PLoS ONE 10:e0128697

Fluorescent proteins in dominant mesophotic reef-building corals | article
Roth MS, Padilla-Gamiño JL, Pochon X, Bidigare RR, Gates RD, Smith AM, Spalding HL (2015)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 521:63-79

Depth specialization in mesophotic corals (Leptoseris spp.) and associated algal symbionts in Hawai‘i | article
Pochon X, Forsman ZH, Spalding HL, Padilla-Gamiño JL, Smith CM, Gates RD (2015)
R Soc Open Sci 2:140351

High levels of mesophotic reef fish endemism in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands | article
Kane C, Kosaki RK, Wagner D (2014)
Bull Mar Sci 90:693-703

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