Scleractinia (Hard Corals)

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Morpho-functional traits of the coral Stylophora pistillata enhance light capture for photosynthesis at mesophotic depths | article
Kramer N, Guan J, Chen S, Wangpraseurt D, Loya Y (2022)
Communications Biology 5:861

Population genetic structure of the broadcast spawning coral, Montastraea cavernosa, demonstrates refugia potential of upper mesophotic populations... | article
Sturm AB, Eckert RJ, Carreiro AM, Voss JD (2022)
Coral Reefs 41:587-598

Depth-dependent genetic structuring of a depth-generalist coral and its Symbiodiniaceae algal communities at Campeche Bank, Mexico | article
Sturm AB, Eckert RJ, Carreiro AM, Simoes N, Voss JD (2022)
Front Mar Sci 9:835789

Water column and bottom gradients on the continental shelf eastward of the Amazon River mouth and implications for mesophotic reef occurrence | article
Asp NE, Gomes JD, Gomes VJ, Omachi CY, Silva AM, Siegle E, Serrao PF, Thompson CC, Nogueira LC, Francini-Filho RB, de Rezende CE, Thompson FL, de Mahiques MM (2022)
Journal of Marine Systems 225:103642

Biogeochemical niches and trophic plasticity of shallow and mesophotic corals recovering from mass bleaching | article
Radice VZ,  Fry B,  Brown KT,  Dove S,  Hoegh-Guldberg O (2022)
Limnol Oceanogr 67:1617-1630

Mesophotic coral ecosystems of French Polynesia are hotspots of alpha and beta generic diversity for scleractinian assemblages | article
Pérez-Rosales G, Pichon M, Rouzé H, Villéger S, Torda G, Bongaerts P, Carlot J, Under The Pole Consortium, Parravicini V, Hédouin L (2022)
Diversity and Distributions 28: 1391–1403

Using Stable Isotope Analyses to Assess the Trophic Ecology of Scleractinian Corals | article
Lesser MP, Slattery M, Macartney KJ (2022)
Oceans 3:527-545

Light and photoacclimatization drive distinct differences between shallow and mesophotic coral communities | article
Carpenter GE, Chequer AD, Weber S, Mass T, Goodbody-Gringley G (2022)
Ecosphere 13:e4200

Mesophotic depths hide high coral cover communities in French Polynesia | article
Pérez-Rosales G, Hernández-Agreda A, Bongaerts P, Rouzé H, Pichon M, Carlot J, Torda G, Under The Pole Consortium, Parravicini V, Hédouin L (2022)
Science of The Total Environment

A preliminary assessment of the mass mortality of some benthic species due to the mucilage phenomenon of 2021 in the Çanakkale Strait (Dardanelles)... | article
Özalp HB (2021)
J Black Sea/Medit Environ 27:154-166
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