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The Chagos Archipelago | chapter
Andradi-Brown DA, Dinesen Z, Dinesen Z, Head CEI, Tickler DM, Rowlands G, Rogers AD (2019)
in: Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems, Coral Reefs of the World (Springer) by Loya Y, Puglise KA, Bridge TCL
Taking a deeper look: Quantifying the differences in fish assemblages between shallow and mesophotic temperate rocky reefs | article
Williams J, Jordan A, Harasti D, Davies P, Ingleton T (2019)
PLoS ONE 14:e0206778

Deep-Reef Fish Communities of the Great Barrier Reef Shelf-Break: Trophic Structure and Habitat Associations | article
Sih TL, Daniell JJ, Bridge TCL, Beaman RJ, Cappo M, Kingsford MJ (2019)

The value of subsea pipelines to marine biodiversity | report
Bond J, Pirnce J, Partridge JC, White D, McLean DL (2018)
Offshore Technology Conference Asia
The influence of depth and a subsea pipeline on fish assemblages and commercially fished species | article
Bond T, Partridge JC, Taylor MD, Cooper TF, McLean DL (2018)
PLoS ONE 13:e0207703

Fish associated with a subsea pipeline and adjacent seafloor of the North West Shelf of Western Australia | article
Bond T, Partridge JC, Taylor MD, Langlois TJ, Malseed BE, Smith LD, McLean DL (2018)
Mar Environ Res 141:53-65

Biodiversity and spatial patterns of benthic habitat and associated demersal fish communities at two tropical submerged reef ecosystems | article
Wahab MAA, Radford B, Cappo M, Colquhoun J, Stowar M, Depczynski M, Miller K, Heyward A (2018)
Coral Reefs 37:327–343

Benthic habitat and fish assemblage structure from shallow to mesophotic depths in a storm-impacted marine protected area | article
Abesamis RA, Langlois T, Birt M, Thillainath E, Bucol AA, Arceo HO, Russ GR (2018)
Coral Reefs 37:81-97

Diversity of deep-sea fishes of the Easter Island Ecoregion | article
Easton EE, Sellanes J, Gaymer CF, Morales N, Gorny M, Berkenpas E (2017)
Deep Sea Res Part 2 Trop Stud Oceanogr 137:78-88

Deep-reef fish assemblages of the Great Barrier Reef shelf-break (Australia) | article
Sih T, Cappo M, Kingsford M (2017)
Sci Rep 7:1-18

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