Castellan et al. 2022

scientific article | Sci Rep | open access

Drawing the borders of the mesophotic zone of the Mediterranean Sea using satellite data

Castellan G, Angeletti L, Montagna P, Taviani M


The 30–150 m bathymetric range is commonly adopted in the literature to constrain the mesophotic zone. However, such depth interval varies depending on sunlight penetration, which is primarily a function of solar radiation incidence and water clarity. This is especially obvious in the Mediterranean Sea with its peculiar biophysical properties. Integrating information on light regime in the estimation of the bathymetric range of the mesophotic zone would provide a more robust definition, orienting conservation actions targeting its ecosystems. We present a first assessment of the spatial and vertical extension of the mesophotic zone in the Mediterranean Sea based upon light penetration, comparing our prediction with literature data. Our study also represents a baseline to monitor future variations in the bathymetric interval associated with the mesophotic zone in the Mediterranean Sea in relation to global changes.

Depth range
30- 500 m

Mesophotic “mentions”
121 x (total of 5438 words)

* Focused on 'mesophotic' depth range
* Focused on 'temperate mesophotic ecosystem'


Overall benthic (groups)

France - Mediterranean Sea
Israel - Mediterranean Sea
Italy - Mediterranean
Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Turkey - Mediterranean Sea

Author profiles