Latest blog posts:

Behind the science: Mesophotic reefs show limited potential to serve as refuges in tropical Southwestern Atlantic

   2018, September 5 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Braulio Santos about their article "Limited potential of deep reefs to serve as refuges for tropical Southwestern Atlantic corals".

Behind the science: Reciprocal transplant: Experimental evidence for reduced mortality on a mesophotic reef

   2018, August 29 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Jack Laverick about their article "Experimental evidence for reduced mortality of Agaricia lamarcki on a mesophotic reef".

Behind the science: Understudied taxa: coral-associated copepods and barnacles

   2018, August 16 - posted by Pim Bongaerts
An interview with Alex Veglia about their article "Characterizing population structure of coral-associated fauna from mesophotic and shallow habitats in the Caribbean".

Behind the science: Population changes of historically overexploited black corals in Mexico

   2018, July 17 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Erika Gress about their article "Assessing population changes of historically overexploited black corals (Order: Antipatharia) in Cozumel, Mexico".

Behind the science: Fish biomass and community composition in shallow and mesophotic coral reefs of Flower Garden Banks

   2018, July 11 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Roldan Muñoz about their article "Conventional and technical diving surveys reveal elevated biomass and differing fish community composition from shallow and upper mesophotic zones of a remote United States coral reef".

Behind the science: Patterns in coral recruitment across a shallow to mesophotic reef

   2018, July 1 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Joe Turner about their article "Depth-related patterns in coral recruitment across a shallow to mesophotic gradient".

Behind the science: Coral holobiont diversity over its depth range in the mesophotic zone

   2018, June 6 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Juan A Sánchez about their article "Holobiont Diversity in a Reef-Building Coral over Its Entire Depth Range in the Mesophotic Zone".

Behind the science: Shifting communities after­­ typhoon damage on an upper mesophotic reef in Japan

   2018, May 29 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Kristine White about their article "Shifting communities after­­ typhoon damage on an upper mesophotic reef in Okinawa, Japan".

Behind the science: Lower mesophotic coral communities of the Northern Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea

   2018, May 22 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Pim Bongaerts about their article "Lower mesophotic coral communities (60-125 m depth) of the Northern Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea".

Behind the science: Benthic habitat and fish assemblage structure in shallow to mesophotic reefs in a storm-impacted MPA

   2018, May 16 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Rene Abesamis about their article "Benthic habitat and fish assemblage structure from shallow to mesophotic depths in a storm-impacted marine protected area".

Behind the science: Macrobenthic invertebrates and megafauna communities in mesophotic reefs of the Philippines

   2018, April 18 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Patrick Cabaitan about their article "Preliminary observations of macrobenthic invertebrates and megafauna communities in the upper mesophotic coral ecosystems in Apo Reef Natural Park, Philippines".

Behind the science: Early life history traits and reproductive ecology of brooding coral across depth gradient

   2018, April 3 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Gretchen Goodbody-Gringley about their article "Reproductive ecology and early life history traits of the brooding coral, Porites astreoides, from shallow to mesophotic zones".

Behind the science: Growth rates of reef-building corals across shallow to mesophotic depths in US Virgin Islands

   2018, March 26 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Sarah Groves about their article "Growth rates of Porites astreoides and Orbicella franksi in mesophotic habitats surrounding St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands".

Behind the science: Estimating population connectivity of mesophotic coral Agaricia lamarcki from Puerto Rico

   2018, March 18 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Nicholas Hammerman about their article "Population connectivity of the plating coral Agaricia lamarcki from southwest Puerto Rico".

Early Career Scientist: Tom Shlesinger

   2018, March 8 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Tom Shlesinger about their research and experiences.

Behind the science: Reef-fish community structure influenced by trophic position, coral habitat and depth

   2018, February 20 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Corinne Kane about their article "Trophic designation and live coral cover predict changes in reef-fish community structure along a shallow to mesophotic gradient in Hawaii".

Behind the science: Coral community transitions across shallow to mesophotic reef zonations: how to define MCEs?

   2018, February 15 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Jack Laverick about their article "Using light-dependent scleractinia to define the upper boundary of mesophotic coral ecosystems on the reefs of Utila, Honduras".

Behind the science: Symbiodinium changes in juvenile coral development

   2018, February 5 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Hannah Reich about their article "Do the shuffle: Changes in Symbiodinium consortia throughout juvenile coral development".

Behind the science: Upper and lower mesophotic fish assemblages of St. Peter and St. Paul’s Archipelago

   2018, January 29 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Ronaldo Francini-Filho about their article "Mesophotic reef fish assemblages of the remote St. Peter and St. Paul’s Archipelago, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Brazil".

Behind the science: Predator movement and foraging between shallow and mesophotic reefs

   2018, January 22 - posted by Veronica Radice
An interview with Yannis Papastamatiou about their article "Movements and foraging of predators associated with mesophotic coral reefs and their potential for linking ecological habitats".